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Sunday, July 30, 2006

I'm Da Bomb! :-)

It was my B-day and Becky made me an awesome cake. I'm getting too old! I also received a GPS navigator from the Shiozawa's and Becky. It will be very useful for our move and getting around when we are in Indiana.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

God Luck at Noter!

Hi Folks! I just thought I'd catch you up with what's been going on in our exciting lives. My mother threw us a great going away barbecue on Saturday (July 15th). It was an eventful time getting ready for it. When my sister picked up the cake from the bakery it read: "God luck at Noter Becky and Kevn!" Hmm...must be an omen. Or as my dad said, it's extra incentive to stay in school. In any case, the cake got fixed and the party was a blast. Over 70 people attended! Thanks to all who came and who helped out! It was a lot of fun seeing everybody! I didn't realize we were so popular! We'll miss everyone but know we'll have visitors (we're planning on getting Notre Dame football tickets). Thanks again for all the love and support! We'll miss you all!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone has a great holiday and enjoys the fireworks. Becky and I will be having a family BBQ and then will be headed to Salt Lake to watch the Real soccer game and the fireworks afterwards. I'll post some pictures if any of them turn out.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

PHC and an Arts Festival- How liberal can we get?

Hi all! It's been a while since I've written something, so I thought I'd write about our last weekend fun. A Praire Home Companion with Garrison Keillor came to Salt Lake City and my parents, being huge fans, got us tickets to go. Unfortunately, my dad had to go out of town, but Kevin's mom stepped in and was as much fun to watch as the show. It was great getting to see how a live radio show is put together and to watch the voice actors, especially the sound effects guy. The guest singer was Linda Ronstadt, a particular favorite for Kevin's mom. It was a fun show with some particularly good regional jokes. After the show, we went to the Utah Arts Festival and walked around for a few hours. There were lots of great booths and things to see. While there we ran into Jerin, Wami and little Taisei (you ought to check out their blog too). It's always fun to see them. So, great stuff and good times.

Not much else has been going on with us. I just finished a rough draft of my thesis, which is a huge burden off my shoulders. I'm hoping to defend in a couple of weeks, but it depends on when my committee is available. We saw the new Superman movie this weekend...not a big fan. Batman's better. Things are going well. I finally got an apartment lined up for us in South Bend, so we won't be sleeping on the streets. We also have a moving truck set up. I'm excited to move but don't feel prepared enough to be comfortable. All in good time in guess. Anyways, happy fourth!