Poor Riley

When I got home from work, I noticed blood on Riley's back. I called the vet, but they were closed so I left a message on their machine asking for an appointment the next day. I went over to the dog owner's home that evening. A woman answered the door and immediately said, "What do you want?!" I explained to her what happened that morning. Her response was, "So. What do you want me to do about it." I told her I wanted to make sure this never happened again, especially since her dog has attacked Riley and other neighborhood dogs numerous times. She got defensive and asked how I knew it was her dog. I described the dog to her, and she said lots of people have chows in the area (total lie). I told her I followed the dog to her house. She denied it was her dog. I then told her I had another witness who could also describe the dog. She said she "might" talk to her husband about it. The next morning as I was walking Riley, the husband pulled up next to me in his car. He said, "I heard our dogs had an incident yesterday." I explained what happened and he said he was sorry but his dog "don't bite to be malicious" and "he was just doin' what dogs do." I told him that is not what dogs do and ended the conversation.

I took Riley to the vet. They didn't stitch him up because it is a puncture wound. He has one deep puncture wound and one that is more of a scratch. He has bruising around the area too. My vet bill came to $235.10 and there may be more if the wound gets infected. The wound doesn't hurt Riley and he isn't traumatized, so that's a plus. Now I'm filling out a animal bite report. There's not much the city or state can do unless there are three reports filled on this dog, but I do intend on making the dog owners pay the vet bills. I've started asking the neighbors about their experiences with the chow. There have been three other dogs attacked by the chow and two humans charged by it.
I'm asking everyone to report the chow if it is seen off leash anywhere and if it acts aggressively. The attack was bound to happen sometime. The chow has attacked Riley four or five times before, although this is the first puncture bite. I shouldn't have let the other attacks go unreported. Oh well. I've learned. I think the chow's aggression is escalating, and it's only a matter of time before it attacks a human. I've actually seen the dog loose in the park when children were playing there, and the owner was wandering behind it and yelling at all the kids to stay away--he's not friendly. Brilliant. I'll keep you posted on the developments.